Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Very Busy Boy...

What can I say? Nothing elaborate is going on at our home right now. Just the usual routines...for the most part. Watching Wyatt grow up is pretty special, though. Thursday he took his 1st step (that we saw) and Saturday I watched him take 6 baby steps! Very exciting! He is busy, busy, busy. I spend my days chasing him around the house, trying to keep his path of destruction to a minimum..yeah, that is a workout. He is growing so quickly! It is hard to believe that he will be 1 year old before too long! He is just soo much fun...despite all the work! What did I do before I had a child, anyway? He is currently teething and thus, is a little cranky these days. He has 4 teeth now by the way. Well, it is time for me to stop blogging since my whirlwind is "on the path", my dog needs to go outside, W's dinner needs to be cleaned up, the laundry needs folded, etc., etc., etc. Talk about having your house "go to pot"..Believe me-it doesnt take long!!! Since Ive gotten word that Wyatt is the main one that everyone wants to see, here are some pics of the main attraction.......... Not Daddy-Wyatt!! Ha ha

Eating breakfast with Daddy. And no Wyatt did not eat cocoa puffs...and yes, mommy was in the process of getting W's breakfast.

Just hanging out with my toys

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