Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Few Summer happenings...... I just got my 1stv round of pictures up...AMAZING!! This truly is a miracle!! I am not even going to tell you how long this took me!! I only hope you enjoy them (and that I get faster at this!!! :o)

Eating lunch on Daddy's lap at the corn fest

Our first time to the corn fest!! WOW !! Tons of vendors!

Spending time with Grandma and Pap

Here he is again..this time he is getting ready to help with applesauce.

"Ma, this feels FUNNY!!"

Here is Wyatt again..trying not to touch the grass!

A day at the park where my dreams of having an olympic swimmer were crushed when Wyatt started to whine as his toes touched the water..... Oh, well..maybe next year....???


ericandemily05 said...

Hey Kristen! It's Emily Scarborough... I know I haven't seen or talked to you in forever, but I've been emailing Mrs. Myers to keep on Jennifer and everything... Well, today I emailed her the website Eric and I have started up on our pregnancy for our family and friends, and then she mentioned yours, so I thought I'd check it out. I like it! Wyatt is SO cute! Anyway, hope all is going well. Take care. :)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I only wanted to edit my comment, not delete it. : (

Just the same, YAH!!! You have a blog now too!! WOW Wyatt is getting SOOOOO big!! Love the pictures!! The park one made me laugh.